June 6, 2024

Basic Snake Demo

Snake – Demo Managed to integrate a game controller with my iPad to develop a prototype of the classic game “Snake.” Currently, the snake is in […]
August 17, 2023

Burger Shuffle with Scaling

Burger Shuffle with Scaling Some more prototyping to scale to different sprite nodes in sync and replace one when a certain stage of the animation has […]
August 16, 2023

It’s the Burger shuffle

It’s the Burger Shuffle… this little prototype creates random burger recipes and displays the final creation. Press the X-Button on the game controller triggers the next […]
August 5, 2023

Burger scaling

Burger – Scaling This is a prototype on how to scale a Burger – Composition, making it bigger and smaller using the game controller connected to […]
November 4, 2022

Prototype Game Scene Burger Construction Kit

Dies ist ein Prototyp zeigt wie potentiell eine Spielszene aussehen könnte, bei der es darum geht einen Burger aus beliebigen Zutaten zusammenzubauen. 
November 15, 2021

UI – Prototyping

UI – Prototyping Hier findet man eine Sammlung von UI-Design-Studien und Prototypen zu meinen aktuellen Projekten. Prototyp-Studie zum Hauptspiel-Szene des Burger Construction Kit:       […]