June 6, 2024

Basic Snake Demo

Snake – Demo Managed to integrate a game controller with my iPad to develop a prototype of the classic game “Snake.” Currently, the snake is in […]
August 17, 2023

Burger Shuffle with Scaling

Burger Shuffle with Scaling Some more prototyping to scale to different sprite nodes in sync and replace one when a certain stage of the animation has […]
August 16, 2023

It’s the Burger shuffle

It’s the Burger Shuffle… this little prototype creates random burger recipes and displays the final creation. Press the X-Button on the game controller triggers the next […]
February 3, 2023

More obstacles with spaceship

Some more obstacles with the spaceship…
January 28, 2023

Blocks and Spaceship

Blocks and Spaceship Hindernisse (Blocks) bewegen sich auf das Raumschiff zu. Es gibt zum einen die Idee, dass dieses den Blöcken ausweichen kann oder diese mittels […]